Thanks for the answer.
So that would mean all those old V-8s that everybody loves to laugh at also
have efficient cross-flow heads becuase the intake and outlet are on
opposite sides. Who'd a thunk it!
I suppose one could make a cross-flow head for the TR6, but it would involve
a lot of re-arranging for the accelerator control. Of course you could use
the triple carb setup of goodparts or Weber with K&Ns to avoid entangling
too much, but you would get stuck with putting in an electronic distributer
to clear enough space for the carbs. The valve gear would definitely be a
mystery to me unless it proposes to convert to OHC or have one rocker across
the head for each exhaust and one sideways for each inlet (very odd). At
that point there are so many changes you might as well just by another
engine and give up on originality all together. Oh well another nice idea
shot down.
How about the casting guy looking at a differential casing that doesn't
break off all its mounting points?
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Stretch
To: Triumph List
Sent: 01/12/02 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: Some input on castings Please
Hi Mark
Not a lame question, never be afraid or ashamed to ask questions to
your knowledge.
The "normal" head on a Triumph has the inlet and exhaust on the same
side of
the head, this is sometimes referred to as a reverse flow head, i.e. the
flow of gasses is reversed.
The cross flow head has the inlet and exhaust on opposite sides of the
therefore the gasses flow across the head hence cross flow. You will
that the majority of modern European cars have cross flow heads, you can
also find crossflow heads on the Dolomite 1850, Dolomite Sprint, TR7 and
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Hooper" <>
To: "'William Davies '" <>; "'Graham Stretch
<>; "'Triumph List '"
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 2:04 PM
Subject: RE: Some input on castings Please
> Can somebody help me in my benighted ignorance? Please tell me what
> PRECISELY defines a cross-flow head from a normal one. Please no one
> a note saying it's the lack of eyes that gives it away. Last time I
> such a lame question my mailbox exploded with funny replies. :^P
> Is it the number of ports, their placement, some configuration of the
> of the cylinder? All of the above?
> Mark Hooper
> 1972 TR6
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