Anyone ever figure out the best replacement for the insulating 'dum-dum'
(texturized oatmeal) on the timing chain covers of Triumph motors?
I thought I might 'fake it' with bondo..
'63 TR4 since '74
Randall Young wrote:
Genuine Wellseal is available from TRF, but I haven't opened my tube of it
yet to see what it's like.
It's black and gungy. If you haven't used it for a time, you tend to get a
bit of 'ooze' - followed by a bit of lump. Just the thing to get on a pair
of white cricket flannels - though for "Aw, #%^t, what the $&^% will get
this off?" I'd plump for a nice lump of dum-dum every time!
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