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RE: Scotland TR's?

To: "'Dave Massey'" <>
Subject: RE: Scotland TR's?
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 21:28:16 -0400 id g911SZt26217
Cc: "''" <>
$1150 is indeed on the good side of cost.  We priced a set-up a couple years
ago when the # was not as favorable and it worked out to be almost $1400.
My wife was going to go for it, but we couldn't decide on which clan.   (My
mother's father - Menzies or My father's mother - Weir;  Didn't want to
insult either so got none.)  

That is a good idea regarding the Games and LBC - maybe someone at the
Dunedin Games (FL) might be willing to set up a car field...

Carl Musson (the British side of me)


-----Original Message-----
From:   Dave Massey [] 
Sent:   Monday, September 30, 2002 6:53 PM
Cc:     [unknown]
Subject:        Scotland TR's?


$1150 for a full-blown set-up is not a bad price.  A decent kilt all by
itself runs anywhere from $325 to $450.  Throw in the Prince Charlie
jacket, the vest, kilt hose, an evening sporrin, flashes, shoes and shirt
and you're there.  

A little tip about haggis: it tastes much better with a wee bit o' whiskey
on top.

Dave (I can't believe you wnet to Scotland and didn't ask me to carry your
luggage) Massey

By the by, anyone in the midwest interested in seeing men in kilts (or
who's wives would be interested in doing so) can combine the pleasure with
a British car show at the Second Annual St. Louis Scottish Games and
Cultural Festival on Oct 12.  You can show your car and see big burly guys
in kilts tossing telephone poles, young lasses dancing Highland style,
sheep dogs herding sheep, bag pipers piping, celting musicians, Scottish
merchandise and a whiskey tasting tent.  Contact me for more details.

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