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RE: Web Archives For Triumph

To: "Triumphs Email List \(E-mail\)" <>, "john & patricia donnelly" <>
Subject: RE: Web Archives For Triumph
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 12:07:09 -0700
Cc: "Mark J Bradakis" <>
> Now I seem to be getting weird stuff. Below is the
> result of a search of the archives for "k&n filters". Is it the
> archives, or my computer? I'm running Windows 98SE.
> Result for query 'k&n filters'
> 199806/.mhonarc.db:(No subject)
> * 8531:
> %20%27898129021%1C879%27%2C%27K%26N%20Filters%20-%20Great%20Price%27%2C
> 199812/.mhonarc.db:(No subject)
> * 11136:
> %20%27914352188%1C1559%27%2C%27K%26N%20filters%20on%20a%20TR6%27%2C

I'm getting the same sort of garbage, so presumably our esteemed list master
is in the middle of making some adjustments.

The above text actually makes sense, if you realize that each sequence of
'%xx' is actually a punctuation character.  For example, %20 is a space, %2C
is a comma, etc.  However, clicking on the links for the matched files
produces an even more bizarre display, apparently the inverted search
database rather than the original list traffic.


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