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RE: TR3a Behaviour/noises

To: "'Dave Massey'" <>
Subject: RE: TR3a Behaviour/noises
From: "David A. Templeton" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:33:03 -0400
Cc: "'Triumphs@Autox Net \(E-mail\)'" <>

See answers below....

> That's odd.  It is normal for the gear box to whine in lower
> gears but not
> fourth.  Are you sure it isn't coming from the differential?
Hmm, if that was the case I guess I would have nearly the same whine under
acceleration in all gears yes/no?
1st gear - non syncro whine
2nd gear - no whine
3rd gear - no whine
4th gear - no whine when cruising, under acceleration, major whine, about
50% louder than the first gear non-syncro

> You might try smearing some gasket sealer at the joint in the
> hopes of it
> wicking up in there.  There is an old style available (I
> forget the name)
> that is applied with an swab applicator that is much more
> liquid than the
> Form-A-Gasket varieties common today.
Hmmm, fascinating idea :-D  The next time I am under the car I will do that
thanks.  Does anyone one else know the product name??

> >- The clutch seems to have about a 2" travel before
> engaging.  All of the
> >components are new.  Could I simply be "breaking in" the
> clutch?  It is a
> >'3a clutch not the '4 one.
> This is normal.  My 3 has about 2 inches of excess travel, too.
okay no more worries.

David A. Templeton
'59 TR3a - 9TS54226L ( "9" denotes the CDN import on year of mfr )
'74 Spitfire - FM10491L

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