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RE: My Triumph GT6 went at least 40 blocks under its own power!!!

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: RE: My Triumph GT6 went at least 40 blocks under its own power!!!
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 19:30:32 -0700
> But . . .  it does not seem very quick.  Would wheel bearing, diff grease
> and so forth, congeal enough over the years to add real drag to the car?

IMO, no, not enough to notice.  But you could try parking on some level
ground and pushing the car by hand with it in neutral.  Once it's moving, it
should take very little to keep it moving.  If something's tight enough to
affect performance much, you won't be able to move it at all by hand.

Dragging brakes, mixture not quite right, dirty air filters, general engine
tired or in need of a tuneup (valves, timing), possibly even poor ignition
to one cylinder ...


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