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Re: Too Rich, Too annoyed

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Too Rich, Too annoyed
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 20:13:52 +0100
References: <006c01c26199$3251afe0$>
Hi Scott
First I will gladly relieve you of all that excess money you refer to in the
Second, not sure on this one but I seem to recall the red plastic jets are
0.090 inch diameter hole and the black ones are 0.100 inch diameter hole.
This would account for the richness, but as I say I am not 100% sure on
Best of luck
Ps I don't think your options are really options that would work too well,
not sure about that either! 8-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott A. Roberts"
Subject: Too Rich, Too annoyed

> Ok- Here's my problem for the day. No matter what I do, or try, I cannot
get the Herald to idle properly all the time. I have tried adjusting the
carbs several times, the valves, everything I can think of. I still come out
too rich. Oh- and the front carb is temperamental- very finicky about it's
mix- a hair too much, stalls when dashpot lifted, a little too lean, same
thing. Rear carb is happy, and takes a lot to aggravate to the point of
putting in new jets(black plastic, not red, if that makes a difference. I
also am using the "AN" needles that came factory with the Spitfires)

> Ideas?
> Scott

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