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RE: TR3a soft top install

To: "David A. Templeton" <>, "Triumphs@Autox Net \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: RE: TR3a soft top install
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 11:57:15 -0700
> Well, for the first time since the car has been back on the road the soft
> top is on the car.  We installed a brand new TRA top and the
> snaps/lift-a-dot fastners are on great.  Very good tension between the
> fastners, it was put on while the temp was 70degF so I think the it is not
> over/under stretched.
> Now I need to coax the bows into place and stretch the top.  Any advice,
> leave it in the sun, hair dryer?

There is an old trick that I'm fond of : undo and remove the plates that
fasten the rearmost top bow to the straps.  Leave the rearmost bow folded
against the frame while erecting the rest of the frame/bows and installing
the top.  Then from inside the car, push the rearmost bow into place.  It
will stay put, and the result is a nice, snug top, easily fitted even in the
coldest weather.


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