The Eastwood tool is listed at $14.99 ( - just put
the part number in the search field at the top of their website)
The British Tool item is $18.95 (from Chris K:
I didn't look at shipping/handling charges although I think Eastwood's start
at $7.95
-----Original Message-----
From: Allen, Warren []
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 5:40 PM
To: Triumphs list (E-mail)
Subject: Re: TR3A Dash questions
Somebody may have answered this already, but Eastwood sells a tool for
removing/installing the chrome bezels. Part number 52063. Disclaimer: I
don't have one, somebody told me about it, and I'm planning to get one for
when I replace my dash center (see below).
I also want to recommend (along with the rest of the list) the job that Fred
Thomas does with the powder coated crinkle finish on the center dash. I
recently got one from him, and it's beautiful. NFI.
I've also been meaning to share with the group something that my 11-year old
son asked my a few months ago. He said "Dad, can I have the TR3 when you
die?" After just a second's hesitation, he added "If it's still running
And of course you responded.. "We'll just have to make sure that 'we' keep
it running for the next < > years and I'll give it to you before I die..."
Warren Allen
1960 TR3A TS55177L
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