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RE: Oh,hmm. So that's how it works...

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Oh,hmm. So that's how it works...
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 21:42:16 -0700
> But, I
> couldn't find
> the one on Weber-Zenith-Stromberg-SU(10240) Pep Boys locally no
> longer carried
> it. has it.

> Now, with regard to the needles- I have a set of "AN" needles, which are
> apparently original to the Mk I & II Spitfires. I also have a set of "DD"
> needles which I just put into use tonight. What are they from?

According to my book, they're from a Mk III Spit (maybe others, I didn't
scan the entire section).

> What are the
> real differences?

>From a very old DOS program that compares needles :

            Reference needle is: (diameters, in units of .0001")
AN   890 855 827 807 787 770 753 740 730 720 710 700 690   0   0   0
           Differences from reference needle, in units of .0001"
                  (Negative means richer than reference;
                differences greater than 99 are given as 99)
DD     0   0   8  10  11  12  14  12  10  10  10  10 -99   0   0   0


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