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Re: Herald, new to list, burning questions

To: ("Javier Vidaurre Ch."),
Subject: Re: Herald, new to list, burning questions
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 15:34:53 -0400
In a message dated Fri, 13 Sep 2002 11:31:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Javier 
Vidaurre Ch." <> writes:

>Hello to all from Lima, Peru,
>I am Javier Vidaurre and new to the mailing list and
>new to Triumphs.  About 3 months ago I saw two adds in
>the paper for Heralds, a 1970 Saloon and a 1965
>Convertible.  I bought them both. While test driving
>the convertible I came across a 1967 Herald Estate
>which I am in the process of aquiring...

Great! A new Herald devotee! :-)

>I will start with an easy question:
>1.  Inch or metric wrenches (I suspect metric but my
>inch tools worked fine)

"Inch" all the way, although one might possibly find a few archaic British 
threads on the Solex carburetor, if any of your Heralds has one.

>2.  My 1970 13/60 Saloon has an Estate gas tank.  Did
>the factory do this? I suspect a previous owner's

That would not surprise me, that a previous owner had done this. But then, at 
least your '67 and '70 Heralds appear to have been assembled in Peru (the "9" 
in front of the commission number indicates this). On occasion, local assembly 
of Heralds brought minor deviations from the usual specification.

>The third day that I owned the 1970 the LH Vertical
>Link broke where it enters the trunnion....
>3.  I have received the parts from Rimmer Bros, new
>trunnion, ball joint & vert. link for LH & RH and
>bits. Any tips or what to look out for not explained
>in Haynes on setting the proper clearances for the
>LINK to Trunnion etc.?  I saw a web page that
>mentioned replacing with a grease nipple the bolt that
>covers the vert. link lube point and using a marine
>grease that has better properties.  Any opinions?

Clearances I wouldn't worry much about. It is generally accepted that a: modern 
greases are better than the greases of 30-40 years ago in this application, but 
b: it is still far better (in my opinion) to use 90 weight oil to lubricate the 
trunnions. As for the plug v. the grease fittings: various factory service 
bulletins over the years strongly recommended removing and discarding the plugs 
and installing "grease" fittings and leaving them in place.

>4. Here at the Otis plant they have an industrial lath
>and I have asked it's operator to turn the disk brake
>rotors for me.  Any web site with data as to minimum
>thkns, runout and friction surface finish etc. and as
>ridiculous as it sounds, a quick how to.

Someone else will have to help you there; sorry!

Andrew Mace, Triumph Herald Consultant
The Vintage Triumph Register <>

Check out the North American Triumph Sports 6 & Herald Database: 
<>, which might just have to expand 
to include ALL of the Americas! :-)

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