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Re: TR3a question 2

To: "David Templeton" <>, <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>, <>
Subject: Re: TR3a question 2
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 09:54:30 -0700
References: < m>
David, this could be a timing issue - timing of the pushing in of the choke
that is.  I find that my car starts almost immediately when cold on full
choke, but as soon as it starts, I push the choke in a bit. As it warms, I
keep pushing on the choke, but generally I have it all the way in before it
reaches full operating temperature. Since the choke controls the mixture
during warm up, it seems likely that a mixture problem while the engine is
cold would be related to the choking action and you have control of that
from the cockpit.

As far as the choke fast idle being on the wrong hole is concerned, I don't
believe that will affect anything other than the idle speed.


Subject: RE: TR3a question 2

> Hmm, well that didn't help. I thought that based on the symptoms I was
> having that it sounded like I was running lean.
> When I start from cold she idles perfectly. I try and pull away from a
> and through all of the rpm range I am getting hesitation, sputtering to
> almost stall. I need to feather the throttle to keep from stalling.
> This situation improves to almost perfectly smooth once operating
> temperature is reached. At 3K rpm there is the occasional misfire that you
> can hear.
> I did have a problem where the actuator rod for the choke cam on the side
> the carb was in the wrong hole and was running on a little choke all of
> time. That corrected this is now the situation.
> I am running a stock coil, point are set to .015". Platinum plugs set to
> .025" gap. I run 92 octane gas and stock air filters.
> Hmm could I really be running rich?  Should I try a test run with the
> filters off to see if I am not getting enough air? What else can I try?
> Thanks in advance
> David A. Templeton
> '59 TR3a
> '74 Spitfire

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