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RE: T/O Bearing Question

To: "Triumphs@autox. Net" <>
Subject: RE: T/O Bearing Question
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 20:37:16 -0700
> I am reading and rereading Nelson's excellent articles on TR6 clutch
> issues and a question came to mind:  when a T/O bearing fails like many
> have experienced, what exactly fails?

In my case, it appeared to be a lubrication failure, the balls got rusty,
then rough, then started spalling away.  I put off changing it for a long
time, the balls eventually "went away" completely and the heat generated by
the two races rubbing against each caused the sleeve to seize to the gearbox

However, driving without a clutch is one of those "essential skills" for a
TR owner, so it still came home under it's own power <g>


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