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Beware - part problem

Subject: Beware - part problem
From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 09:00:02 -0500
I'm on and off this list as time permits, and I got on this time to send a 
warning to all my TR friends.

As many of you know, I race a TR4 in vintage races and I prepare engines 
for others. I have just been made aware that the tappetts (cam  followers) 
being sold by Moss and TRF at the moment are SOFT. BEWARE! Soft lifters 
will destroy your camshaft and maybe your engine.

Several years ago a soft batch got into the USA. I know of at least four 
expensive race engines that were destroyed. Yesterday a friend from Texas 
had lifters from Moss and TRF checked for hardness and found them all dead 
soft. A couple of months ago I ordered lifters and three of the eight were 
improperly machined -- bored too deep.

Apparently the major vendors do not check incoming parts, even the ones 
that are known to be troublesome and can cause engine failures that are 
quite expensive. I have not been able to get Moss's attention on this 
matter, so the only thing I know to do is to go public. Sorry, Mr. Moss and 
Mr. TRF. You usually give us good service, but not on this one.

Where to get good lifters? Ken Gillanders of British Frame and Engine, Greg 
Solow of Engine Room. Maybe others I don't know about.

uncle jack

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