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RE: concave or convex?

To: <>
Subject: RE: concave or convex?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 06:51:51 -0700
> In # 78 (spring
> 2001) of the VTR
> magazine, "Maintenance" section, TeriAnn Wakeman provided some
> explanation
> ... summarized as follows; aftermarket grills had opening holes
> 7.2cm (2.84")
> X 1.3cm (0.5"), while the original grills were 7.7cm (3.03" x
> 1.6cm (0.63")
> ... a difference of 24% more area for air to flow to radiator.

I believe it was Bill Piggott that wrote that the factory changed the grill
specification early in the TR3A run.  I've always wondered if the problem
with the repro grills isn't that they used the original specification,
rather than the revised one.

Anyway, it's not terribly difficult (although somewhat tedious) to work the
openings larger by gently squeezing the 'slats' together with a pair of


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