Recently came across guy who lives in my town (Midland, MI) who is relocating
and has a host of Triumphs and MGBs as well as spares.
He is very interested in selling all the cars intact (he doesn't have enough
time to part them). I haven't seen the cars yet (will be doing so in a day or
so) and would be willing to act as a first line judge (I'm not VTR appraiser
so it will be rough and ready judgment!). I've attached the descriptions as
received from him:
1975 MGB, good interior and body, motor needs repair, titled
1974 Spitfire, drove it home,titled
1969 Spitfire, good engine bad trans, no title
1970 Spitfire, good trans bad engine, titled
1972 MGB, good engine, bad body,wire wheels, titled
1969 Triumph GT6+ , rebuilt motor, needs floorboards, titled
1977 Triumph TR7, air cond, drove it home, titled
MGB parts, doors w/glass,windscreen, new front end rebuild kit, new Armstrong
lever shocks, misc. parts, rear end extra wire wheels. Misc triumph parts also
The cars have been stored under tarps for a few years, so may exhibit a slight
Michigan patina when light hits them .... I did hear from another source that
he was looking in the region of $5000 for the lot (including a TR6 that I will
neglected to list until I see it).
If interested, please let me know off-list, and I'll save up your emails for
when I see him at the end of the week.
Tony Gordon
(no financial interest, but I get first dibs!)
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