A couple of weeks ago a posted a note about some semi metalic brake pads I
purchased that were not what I expected and didn't fit to my liking.
I mistakenly thought that the pads came from Moss Motors when in fact they had
come from a Moss Motors distributor who substituted a different brand of pad.
I must give Moss a lot of credit, they were very attentive and responsive to my
complaints and helped me figure out that the pads I had were not the
Austrailian made pads that Moss sells.
The distributor was also responsive and did send me some genuine semi-metalic
pads that came straight from moss.
The distributor said he compared the pads and really didn't see a difference,
and also said that he had never had a complaint so the best he could guess was
that I had gotten a "bad set."
I have compared and photographed the two kinds of pads side by side, and there
is not any doubt that the distributor's substitue pads are not correct for the
Triumph TR cars. They are very close . . but brakes aren't horseshoes.
I remembered having the problem with another set of pads and dug around in the
parts junk pile and found an identical set of pads to the ones the distributor
sold me. They also had the exact same fitting problems.
So I maintain that it wasn't a "bad set" but were infact representative of the
So consider yourself warned:
If you get some semi-metalic brake pads, made in the USA, with pads riveted to
the cad plated backing plates . . . don't use them.
I'm very happy with the Austrailian made pads that I've gotten from Moss.
They work well, I don't have a squeal problem and the brake dust has reduced
If you want to see some of the comparison photos:
Scott Tilton
Triumphs everyday in Leesburg, VA
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