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Very odd horn electrical problem

To: "Triumph (E-mail)" <> FILETIME=[6ABB2430:01C1EA05]
Subject: Very odd horn electrical problem
From: "Freeman, Noah" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:55:52 -0400 .llc>
Thread-index: AcHqBWqo7bbuK1MpS9C9MN9eykqsXA==
Thread-topic: Very odd horn electrical problem
Hello all-

Spent sunday getting the horns to work- cleaned all the contacts, and they
work great again...

Now have a very odd problem- If i plug the horn in fully, it works great when
I push the button (though Im not wild about the squeeky tone of hte horns
themselves)...teh problem is, it also activates with any  jostle to the
car...slam the door, the horns beep for a second...hit a bump, the horns go

It seems particularly senstive to jostles of the steering column...simply
touching the column next to the engine block makes the horns go off, even with
only a tiny deflection of the column... (could this be b/c the problem is in
the steering wheel, so the steering column is highly sensitive?)

I checked for obvious shorts, and didnt find them...

Any thoughts?  Where do I look? Im leaning towards going inside the wheel
again (aftermarket moto-lita)

Currently the horns are unplugged, because they go off on their own WAY too

I throw myself to the mercy of the list...



Noah Freeman
Brookside Capital + Bain Capital
111 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, 02199, USA
voice 617.516.2922   fax 617.516.2910 or

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