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RE: Radio station playlists (was : Some more "Change is sad") (no discer

Subject: RE: Radio station playlists (was : Some more "Change is sad") (no discernable LBC content)
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 11:39:06 -0700
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
> Joe, virtually no major market station allows their jocks to play
> anything they want.  The playlist is set by the Program Director,
> and it comes out of a
> computer.  With fully digitized stations, the music is never even
> touched by a human hand.

I can't comment whether it's the program director or the DJ who actually
composes the list, but the playlists on my usual 'oldies' station definitely
vary somewhat.  Some of them have tastes much closer to mine than others do.

And BTW, it's spelled "Lynyrd Skynyrd".

Randall - not especially fond of "Free Bird", but it's on my personal
playlist of about 600 tunes.  If the TR3A ever gets back on the road, it
gets a MP3 player !

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  • RE: Radio station playlists (was : Some more "Change is sad") (no discernable LBC content), Randall Young <=