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squeaking throwout bearing?

Subject: squeaking throwout bearing?
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 20:46:09 -0400
Hullo again, campers.  Mucho thanks for the last bit of help.  Still 
sorting out the GT6, growing comfortable driving it and therefore 
growing pickier about its quirks!

I've noticed a squeak which I think is in the throwout bearing, a 
rapid high-frequency chirp.  It is loud enough to be audible in any 
gear (more or less) as well as neutral.  It is present when the 
clutch is fully engaged, but changes pitch or goes away completely 
when I depress the clutch pedal even just a little.  Depressing the 
clutch fully make it as quiet as a mouse.  It seems to change 
behavior as the engine warms, becoming quieter, I think.  My thinking 
tells me the source is the clutch fingers grazing the throwout 
bearing, that when I depress the pedal they come in constant contact 
and thus stop squeaking.  Or perhaps it is the bearing itself.  
Clutch and bearing are new.  All else behaves very well - clutch and 
gearbox are wonderful.

So the question is, is there anything I can do about it?  Will it go 
away soon as the fingers and bearing surface smooth down with use?  
Or is an ominous sign of something sinister?

Speaking of sinister, I remember reading years ago that the designed 
life expectancy of the big Austin Healey was 10 years.  I'd say most 
of our cars have beaten that!
Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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