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Re: funkhana suggestions?

Subject: Re: funkhana suggestions?
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:57:42 FILETIME=[21BBB840:01C1E47D]
>From: Dave <>
>Reply-To: Dave <>
>Subject: funkhana suggestions?
>Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 23:13:20 -0700
>A friend of mine is trying to come up with ideas for a
>funkhana for an event this summer.  He has been doing this
>every year for several years and is running out of ideas.
>Have you written a funkhana that you are especially proud
>of or have you participated in one that you really
>enjoyed?  We are looking for alternatives to the usual fanbelt
>toss/sparkplug swap stuff.  I posed this question to the
>triumph and british-car lists several years ago and got
>an overwhelming response.  Let's see if you can do it

I've done the funkhana at the Champagne British car Fest fro the last
10 years. That being said, I find having a theme in general helps
plan activities. For example our &th Fest had a James Bond theme. The
acitivites included, mixing a Martini, the Lucas Box (an electric
device that required the contestant light all four lights there was a
number of control switches that randomized the switch sequence). On
the year we had a pirate theme tasks included walking the plank with
flagons of "ale", "fishing for rats" in the hold with a fishing rod
and a "treasure chest" among a couple of other tasks.

These were along with perennial favorites like, the spark plug swap
only to add degrees of difficulty. I hand contestants use a swivel
extenision on a hinged ratchet wrench and the contestants must wear
foundry mitts to do the task. Tire rotation, taking 4 tires and
running around the car to "rotate" them one at a time. Other tasks
included the Stromberg Zenth carb toss (underhanded for distance) and
putting the jewels on the Crown of the British empire. Contestants had
to put labeled tennis balls on the proper "colony" road cone.

We were always limited for space with our funkhana so I had drivers
run the course blindfolded with a navigator.

`hope this helps

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

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