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RE: An LBC Nightmare!

To: "'Kai M. Radicke '" <>, "'MG List '" <>
Subject: RE: An LBC Nightmare!
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:40:20 -0400
Cc: "'Triumph List '" <>
Kai:  After having examined the photos in the site, I think I may have
broken the case. Look at the position of the car. I think the motivation for
this crime is very clear: the gardener did it.

Mark Hooper

-----Original Message-----
From: Kai M. Radicke
To: MG List
Cc: Triumph List
Sent: 10/04/02 9:38 PM
Subject: An LBC Nightmare!

Pics a little ways down the page.  Apparently a growing trend in
that following a botched attempt to steal cars, the foiled thieves torch
If anyone is wondering what it was, it used to be a 2001 TVR Griffith
for those that don't know, TVRs are made of glassfibre).  Horrid


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