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RE: overdrive

To: <>
Subject: RE: overdrive
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 08:14:38 -0700
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
Dave Massey wrote :

> The hard part about converting a standard transmission to overdrive is
> finding the overdrive unit.  The next hardest part is the fact that the
> mainshaft for an overdrive transmission is different that te one on the
> non-OD unit and changing it out involves a complete teardown (you could
> leave the lay gears in but at this point you may as well do a complete
> overhaul.

IMO finding the OD is easier than finding the right mainshaft.  The
mainshaft has to match the gearset inside the transmission, and since the
gearsets interchange, the only way to be sure which mainshaft you need is to
tear down the tranny first.

Last I heard, Rimmer Brothers in the UK were still selling complete used OD
gearboxes that might be an easier route.  Shipping can be a killer, but they
do run occasional "free shipping to the US" specials.

> TR's were positive ground up to the introduction of the alternator but it
> is so easy to change polarities that many dynamo equipped cars are now
> negative ground.

According to Bill Piggott (and others) the TR4A was always delivered as
negative ground, even though the vast majority of them were delivered with
dynamos.  Apparently an alternator was available as an option tho, so Dave's
statement is technically correct.

Electronic devices of the day (like radios) were typically not protected
against reverse polarity.  Even touching the wires the wrong way would
usually destroy the electronics.


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