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Re: TR-6 supercharger/SU carb tuning questions...

Subject: Re: TR-6 supercharger/SU carb tuning questions...
From: Joseph J Burlein <>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:17:14 -0400

I haven't had a chance to check the Lucas Sport Coil yet with the meter
so that part is still unknown.  One thing I did find out though.  I
couldn't tune the carb (per the Haynes book) to keep an idle at 800 RPM. 
The only way to do it was to adjust the fast idle screw to get her into
the range.  Neither the mixture screw or the volume screw alone would
allow me to keep the idle up.  So, I loosened the distributor and
advanced the thing until I could get 800 RPM without using the fast idle
adjustment.  Problem there, it bent the tach cable so much, it wouldn't
work.  Then, I broke out the timing light and checked.  It was set at
about 20 ATDC.  I set her back down to 10 ATDC to get the cable to work,
but still had to do a slight adjustment to the fast idle screw to get her
to stay at the 800 RPM idle.  I haven't played with the static timing
yet.  Truth be told, I don't think I have a clue how to do what was
suggested below!  (I will keep the notes and do some research though) 
Oh, btw, the needle in the carb has UVC stamped on it.  Too lean a needle

Mitch, did you ever get done with your needle comparisons?  Last time we
talked you still had a couple to go.  Also, who else on the list has a



PS: Kai, why did you get rid of the 6?

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 19:14:27 -0400 "Kai M. Radicke" <> writes:
> > Just did the plug, plug wires, rotor and cap change (they were
> > about 3+ years oldish).  Didn't change out the low tension lead
> > because I have the Ignitor installed.  Once I tune the carb (it is
> > apart right now), I will check the timing again.  But, the last 
> time,
> > I did it buy the "let us see where it stalls out" method instead 
> of
> > setting a number.  (Where do you have it timed to?)  No backfires
> > or misfiring.
> Joe, sounds like you're on the right path.  I sold my TR6 and my
> supercharger (separately) and don't recall what I was using for 
> timing.
> However, I do have some notes from my friend Peter Cobbold who also 
> has a
> supercharged TR6 (which he did himself, but is similar to the kit 
> you have
> and the one I had):
> "The static timing was set at 18 BTDC, which helps compensate for 
> the low
> compression off-boost. The centrifugal advance was reduced from 28 
> deg.
> (crank) to 20 deg. with a sleeve on each of the limit-stops to give 
> a
> maximally advanced timing of 38 BTDC at 2000rpm. This works fine 
> until about
> 6psi of boost is developed when we need to back off the advance to 
> prevent
> detonation. This is done by pushing the contact breaker moving plate 
> about
> 3mm anti-clockwise to bring the timing to 24 BTDC (the limit 
> recommended by
> Kastner for a 12.5:1 c.r.). "
> You may want to go a little more conservative on the advance, since 
> Peter
> did some tricks to his distributor to get it to retard itself at 
> 6psi... so
> you may want to aim for an maximum advance of say 28BTDC.  If you 
> look for
> some 12degree centrifugal advance weights, that would just would put 
> you in
> the right territory I would think.
> Let me know if any of this helps,
> Kai

Joe Burlein
72 TR-6 (Supercharged!)
Wesley Chapel, NC

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