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Re: Brake MC Nut

To: "Cliff Davies" <>, "Triumphs@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Subject: Re: Brake MC Nut
From: <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:49:51 -0500
I presume you are talking about the tipping valve.  
Others have advised buying a large allen wrench (1/2" I think), but I used a 
bolt and a couple of nuts.  I used the head of the bolt as the "allen wrench".  
First, I placed two nuts on the shaft of the bolt and tightened them together, 
as for installing/removing studs.  Then I inserted the head of the bolt into 
the tipping valve retainer and used a box wrench at the nut further on the bolt 
to remove the retainer, the other nut to tighten it back in.

Cost for special tool = $0.00, disassemble the bolt/nuts and return the pieces 
to the hardware jars.

> From: "Cliff Davies" <>
> Date: 2002/04/05 Fri AM 07:39:05 EST
> To: "Triumphs@Autox. Team. Net" <>
> Subject: Brake MC Nut
> I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my brake cylinder clip
> problem. With a special thanks to Nelson who sent a PDF with incredible
> detailed instructions . Now, before I get into more problems - next I am going
> to tackle the brake MC for a rebuild, can anyone tell me what size the large
> nut
> is that needs to be removed first, before the assembly comes apart. Do I need
> to buy a special
> Allen wrench of socket?
> Thanks
> Cliff
> 73 TR6

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