----- Original Message -----
From: "Randall Young" <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: RE: Ebay sales and purchases - Paypal
> And I would like to remind everyone not to believe everything you read on
> the Internet.
Amen to that.
> BTW, before you sign up with _any_ Internet bill pay service, you should
> read their terms of service carefully. Some of them say things like they
> can charge your credit card for no reason at all and you have no recourse
> with them. PayPal is one of the few that say they will get your
> in advance for every charge.
> Randall - satisfied PayPal user
I've used PayPal heavily for about two years, and have been 100% satisfied.
This service has made buying & selling things on Ebay and other internet
portals world's easier for me. It's opened up the world of credit card and
electronic payments to the little guy. It's also opened up some credit card
headaches. A cardholder can legally put any charge in dispute. The bank
(or PayPal, in this case) then takes those funds back out of the seller's
account while the dispute is researched. This happens to everyone from
WalMart on down.
PayPal provides chargeback protection *if* you ship to the buyer's confirmed
address (which is their credit card billing address). I'll bet 50% of the
PayPal payments I get have a non-confirmed address for their shipping
address. I have to make it clear to the buyer that I will only ship to
their confirmed address. I've lost a sale or two due to that, but I've
never had a chargeback.
As Randall said, a lot of folks don't understand that (and didn't bother to
read the legal agreement with PayPal). They then go ballastic when they
find money has been taken out of their account (often discovered when they
bounce checks).
Like every company, I'm sure PayPal makes mistakes. But I've certainly had
nothing but good experiences with them.
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