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RE: Electrical worry - fixed reference

To: "'ian.viles'" <>, triumphs list <>
Subject: RE: Electrical worry - fixed reference
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:38:11 -0500
Let me try again and spell the electric meister's name correctly.

Where to look in a TR6 for electrical problems. Hooo boy! Where not to look
would be a shorter list. I'll let all the others with more knowledge like
Dan Masters tell you the specifics, but all I can say is follow one guiding

"If one wire is joined to another wire or component, then the point of
juncture will present a problem"

Every flaming connector or connection on the car is to be suspected as being
faulty. In fact save time, don't suspect, be certain; they are all faulty.
Here the question is not whether, but how much. My approach has been to
avoid diagnosis, but to proceed directly to a cure. I worked from one end of
the car to the other sanding cleaning and tightening all connections. At the
end all worked better. Here no evil, see no evil, ask no questions. It's
better that way. May the Lucas be with you.


-----Original Message-----
From: ian.viles []
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 4:05 PM
To: triumphs list
Subject: Electrical worry

On starting my TR6 today, when I turned the ignition key I heard a 'spark
noise' - just a single 'crack' before the engine started. The noise seemed
to come from the ignition key area. I switched off and started the car
again - no stange noises that time.
I am a little paranoid about electrical fires since my Mini Cooper caught
fire some years ago (a strange cause - coil bracket broke, coil fell against
engine block - tacho wire became a 'fuse' and set area behind dash on
Should I investigate strange noise on the 6? Where should I look?

Ian Viles (Derbyshire)
73 TR6

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