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Re: GT6 Front Spring Question and Wheel Question

Subject: Re: GT6 Front Spring Question and Wheel Question
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 15:47:30 -0700
References: <>
Definitely should be only one fitted, so there is no need to look for another 

I agree on the 6.5" wheels.  The widest I have found for a street application 
is 6" from a TR8.  They were after market wheels.  If you want wider,
you will have to look for some specially made ones, I'm afraid.

Joe wrote:
> In a message dated Thu, 20 Dec 2001  4:18:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, Fred 
>Marks <> writes:
> > Hi all-
> >
> > When I disassembled my GT6 frame donor many months
> > ago, one of the front spring/shock assemblies was
> > mounted to the frame with a round metal spacer
> > approximately 1/3" thick.  This spacer fit between the
> > top cap of the shock assembly and the shock tower.  Is
> > this spacer supposed to be on both sides, or was it
> > added to compensate one side of the vehicle for some
> > reason.  I don't even recall which side it came from
> > (I knew I should have taken better notes...)?
> It likely came from the left side and was commonly fitted there on US-spec 
>cars (and possibly other markets' LHD cars). Possibly it was to help level the 
>car, which, in LHD form, has the driver as well as the fuel tank on that side.
> > Now it's reassembly time and I don't know if I should
> > be looking for another one of these spacers...
> They shouldn't be too hard to find. As to whether it's absolutely necessary, 
>I don't know. ;-)
> > Question 2.  If I were looking to go with 13x6.5
> > wheel, what would my choices be?  Panasport doesn't
> > make street wheels that wide.
> Can't help you there.
> --Andy Mace

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