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To: "''" <>
Subject: Wedges
From: Ted Ward <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 08:43:01 -0700
Hey, I'm new to the list, so hi. The only triumph I currently own is a 1966
Bonneville (motorcycle) but I am considering getting something in the near

I thought I'd weigh in on the subject of wedge bashing. I'm 35 years old, my
first car at 16 was a TR-7 (don't remember the year) and I can honestly say
I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I mean, I LOVED the look and feel of it. It
felt great just to sit in it fortunately, because that damn thing would
absolutely NOT run more than a week at a time without something going wrong.
When you are 16 and trying to go places with friends or date girls, there is
nothing worse than being stuck on the side of the road in the middle of
nowhere (which is where I lived).  I mean, I have such mixed feelings for
those cars, total love/hate thing. I wouldn't mind getting a TR8, or even
another TR7 with my overinflated ego telling me I could make it reliable
now(??). But I still hold a grudge against that bastard for being my first

Ted Ward

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