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Re: TR3A by TAD

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: TR3A by TAD
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 08:22:21 -0700
A couple of days ago I sent a message with a URL of a copy of an old
"Auto Album" column that showed the TR3.  After I posted it I found out
that the talented fellow who did it 20+ years ago (Tad Burness) is still
active and the Auto Album column still published (and copyrighted) in
some papers.  Oops!

For now I have pulled the page and requested reprint rights from King

Perhaps overly cautious but who wants to bet all their TRs that a
corporate lawyer would see it as harmless?

If you wish to see the item (for your personal viewing pleasure) please
feel free to contact me off list.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

(P.S. At least I didn't try to sell photocopies of it on eBay}

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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