Find a spencer Gifts at your local mall, I bought a 12 volt black light
that plugs into a car lighter socket, Worked great in tracking down a
coolant leak in my wife's Jetta. Cost about $15.
On Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 05:23 PM, Randall Young wrote:
> Pete :
> The fluorescent dye is a reality, check with your local auto parts
> supply (I
> found the dye only on sale at Kragen for $5), or with Eastwood
> (although I
> can only seem to find the coolant dye on their web site). They do
> need a
> "UV" lamp, but rather than paying $50-100 for the industrial version,
> they
> can be had at Spencer Gifts (or similar) for under $25. In fact, last
> time
> I looked, Home Depot sold a replacement UV fluorescent bulb for about
> $8,
> you might already have a fixture it would work in. (Another
> possibility for
> the truly cheap is to salvage a suitable ballast from a broken lamp, and
> solder the leads to the lamp. I made several of these back in college.)
> Another trick I've heard of (but not tried) is to use spray foot powder.
> Randall
>> Does anyone have any clever tricks for discovering/tracing the source
>> of an oil leak?
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