Delete now if you're tired of this thread. Cause this isn't going to be
I apologize in advance for doing a rant but clean air is something I feel
strongly about. Those that make soapbox speeches sometimes slip on the
soap. Ernie's set himself up by not even getting the basics right, which
puts into question the credibility of the rest of his spiel.
The only thing you were right about is that you should have followed your
own advice.
You've made it obvious that you know little about the Federal government or
how clean air regulations work. For starters the EPA IS a Federal agency
and it was Congress that passed the Clean Air Act.
The Clean Air Act has improved air quality so that we all can breath better
(although it could be MUCH better) these days and live longer to drive our
vintage cars.
That legislation was also supported by many industrial groups and
associations who had the foresight to realize that the economy (and the
business climate) would actually be improved by reducing atmospheric loading
of air pollutants. And they also recognized that it's a lot harder to sell
their products and services to dead people and/or people that are spending
all their money going to hospitals because of respiratory related problems.
I think you SHOULD spend lots of time lobbying the Federal government to
ease controls on vintage cars (I won't even tell you why that's barking up
the wrong tree)....that would keep you out of trouble without any lasting
effect on the rest of us. And please share your knowledge of auto emissions
with them...they could use a good laugh. Why don't you instead work to
clean up the pulp and paper mills, and power plants in your part of the
country along with a lot of other pollution sources up there. They have
dumped so much mercury into the ecosystem that fish in the Great Lakes are
contaminated with it and eating them could cause brain damage. You haven't
been.....???...oh never mind.
Fortunately for you the CAA doesn't regulate "hot air".
Rant off. Nomex on.
Bud Rolofson
71TR6 CC57365 (Good 6)
66TR4A CTC57806 (The Wreck-Almost Parts)
66TR4A CTC57529 (The Project)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ernest Husmann" <>
To: "Jim Hill" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Now I realllllly hate emissions testing....
> I should most likely stay quiet on this over worked subject, but I have
> been one to ever follow someone's advise, including my own.
> While it is true that in the State of Wisconsin, the seven southeastern
> do require biannual emissions testing. Yes there are several means around
> administrative regulation, such as not changing the vehicle, not selling a
> modified, registering the vehicle in compliant county, or just move to
> there are no such regulations.
> The thing that needs to be done before the "greenies" completely shut down
> pleasure vehicles and have us all using mass transit, is to out power the
> "greenies". The Federal government passed all control for environmental
> to the USEPA, which chose to use Federal funds to blackmail states into
> clean air regulations, which resulted in most states forming their own
> This was done with the support of groups like the Sierra Club, Green
> Citizens for a Better Environment (CBE) and politicians like Al Gore.
> If we could find someway to lobby the Federal government to ease the
controls on
> vintage vehicles this would allow a way for the public to enjoy the older
cars in
> the manner in which we remember them from our childhood. At this time, in
> US, we have the perfect administration to do this.
> I am not about to say that there are not legitimate concerns regarding air
> quality, but how many vehicles; cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.; over 20
years of
> age are there? It is likely a larger group than anyone could imagine with
> limited involvement within our own little box. However, it is very minor
> compared to the mileage driven by cars less than 10 years of age.
> My soap box speech.
> Ernie Husmann
> Grafton, WI
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