Thanks for all who wrote. The 4 speed I drove (supposedly a 77)
only started crunching going from 3rd to 2nd after about 10+
minutes. Maybe I'll go drive it again, but I'm a little wary as
the price is not much more than the $US 1200 quoted below.
(We aren't talking trailer-queen, here ;-)
David Massey wrote:
> As was mentioned earlier, the five speed transmission is a much more
> transmission. Additionally, the five speed gives you one more gear
> This allowed the manufacturer to put in a higher (numerical) rear end
> ratio gears for better performance and still give a respectable highway
> cruise ratio in fifth. These are the two reasons that the five speed is
> more desirable.
> >I drove a '77 today that seemed to crunch going from 3 to 2
> >(but not 2 to 3). Synchos going? Do the 5 speed boxes
> >swap directly or are some mods needed?
> >Anyone know what a rebuilt 5 is worth in North America?
> I belive that the five speed bolts right up in place of the four speed but
> your speedometer gearing probably be off and the speedo will read low. A
> transmission from a very late car may not be a problem in that regard.
> You should be able to find a second hand five speed transmission without
> too much difficulty and it will likely be in good shape. Victoria British
> will sell you a remanufactured unit for $1200 (plus shipping).
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