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Re: What's That Smell?

Subject: Re: What's That Smell?
From: "M. Secrest" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 06:15:27 -0500
Cc: TR <>
References: <> <>
Actually, what you're smelling is not horsehair, but the anthrax spores in the 

It's not enough to kill you ... except financially.

Martin Secrest
72 TR6
73 GT6

> Geo Hahn wrote:
> >
> > Was talking to a new member in our local club and he described how he
> > recently became an LBC owner.  He had a TR4 many years ago and was "just
> > lookin" at a British car without intending to buy.  As soon as he sat in
> > it, that distinctive old British car smell brought back all the memories
> > of what great cars these are and he had to buy it.
> >
> > It occurred to me that my TR has just about lost that smell with all the
> > new interior parts it has recently received.  Just what is it that
> > produces that smell?
> >
> > If it is the horsehair that was in the seats could I get it back by
> > collecting a bag of horsehair and stowing it in the interior?  Exactly
> > what part of the horse does that hair come from?

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