You don't need a trap. You need a shot gun.
Rave Racer
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda) Possible future Sandrail donor... Maybe
Subject: Critters living in the Triumphs
Hi Terry,
Fought many wars with the critters (squirrels, mice, coons, opossums), won a
few, lost more. The best solution may be to move the TRs into the house,
but that takes a very understanding wife (if you're married). Mine's not
that understanding.
Tried cats with no luck. Have two cats that live in the basement workshop.
Only place in the house with mice --- they like cat food.
Tried moth balls to get squirrels out of attic. A few packs didn't work
Concluded that with ~ 2 K sq ft attic, would need so much that the smell
would drive the people out of the house.
Once these critters find a nice home such as an attic, TR seat, wiring
harness or boot, they will never leave. You must either trap them and haul
them at least 20 miles away or kill them.
I prefer to feed the little ones Decon. Care must be taken so that the
pets don't get the poison or the carcass ( however, having second thoughts
about my fat lazy cats). I find hiding some Decon in a 6 inch piece of
1.5 or- 2 inch diameter plastic drain pipe capped on one end works best for
mice & squirrels. Traps are best for the coons & opossums. Unfortunately,
while I'm hauling the critter away, some guy usually stops by and empties
his trap in my yard.
Still haven't figured out how to get rid of the huge woodpecker that is
eating holes in the cedar siding. Same for the deer that stand on the decks
around the house to strip the rhododendrons-- GRRRRRRRR
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