Thanks to Hugh Barber and Pete Chadwell, I have a PDF file containing
detailed panel measurements and a complete set of photos.
My sincere appreciation to these two guys for their assistance, both are
class acts.
Best regards from Atlanta.
74 TR6
Hi All,
I need a favor from a fellow TR6 owner.
When I purchased my 74 TR6, it did not have the luggage floor panel that
goes over the spare tire, nor was there any carpet. The big 3 want over
$100 for the panel, but I think I can buy the pieces from Home Depot and
fabricate my own for about 25% the cost.
What I'm looking for are the measurements for the panel. There also
appears to be to angle iron, or aluminum, on the front edge and sides of
the panel. I'd like to get those measurements as well.
Better yet, if someone has a digital camera and can take a shot of the
top and bottom and email me at, that would be a
tremendous help.
Atlanta 74 TR6
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