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Re: TR 4 radiator overflow bottle

Subject: Re: TR 4 radiator overflow bottle
From: "Michael Gajic" <>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 09:04:50 +1100 FILETIME=[38EDA5E0:01C167D8]
Bill Pugh wrote:

>Obviously the Brits had not yet figured out that water, when heated,
>expands and when inevitably cooled, un-expands (is that a word?).
>Hence the notes in the owners manual to check your fluif levels
>frequently. It was the same in 1957 with my TR3, but I chose to
>follow scientific principles and install an overflow bottle. I have
>not had occasion to check my water fluif level since (other than an
>occasional glance at the overflow bottle).
>So unless you are a Concours Purists, I can highly recommend this
>modern addition. <G>

I'm a big fan of scientific principles and the convenience of an overflow 
bottle, but I am concours minded until Sunday at least. My local club's 
concours is on Sunday. It will be my car's first since its full restoration. 
After that I will seriously consider an overflow bottle, alternator/negative 
earth conversion and maybe even a radio.

63' TR4
Sydney, Australia


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