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Re: Comment on new cars vs. TR4 (some LBC)(long) l lc>

To: "Triumph (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Re: Comment on new cars vs. TR4 (some LBC)(long) l lc>
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 19:15:47 -0500
Organization: Southern Rail
Noah Freeman writes:

> So I went to test drive the...4wd turbucharged intercooled 4 cylinder
> ...230hp out of 2 liters...[lots more good stuff deleted]
> All I can say is BORING...

Noah, you passed with honors and are now a full-fledged member of the 
automotively-enlightened! :-)

I had plenty of opportunities back in my automotively-formative years to 
drive friends' muscle cars.  Speed per se always seemed silly.  I never 
could see the point when a friend would complain about having to drive a 
Ford 352 instead of the 390.  Like, duh, the 352 isn't fast already???  Is 
that little extra bit of oomph really gonna' make any difference???

> ...if you dont race [what matters] is "perception of performance"
> rather than actual performance...and at 80mph it really feels like you
> are going REALLY FAST.

Absolutely.  The only thing I'd quibble with here is that TR's never seem to 
me to be going fast.  Or let me put it like this, whenever I've had the 
opportunity to drive a TR, it seemed not to have to work very hard to go 
fast.  It would seem all huffy and blustery just to go 40 but, hey, you want 
another 25 mph, no problem, no more bluster at 65 than 40.

> Also, considering that you have to drive under 2x the speed limit if you dont
> want to get shot by the cop who pulls you over, its actually BETTER to drive
> a car whose limit is a bit lower

That's why I've been happy with a Spitfire for 15 years.  If I want speed my 
Caravan is fast, but for fun the Spitfire does it.  However the GT6, my 
latest toy, has me worried.  It goes too fast all too easily. :-0

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire (Percy)
'70 GT6+ (Nigel)

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