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Humour Fw: First Annual Kabul, Afghanistan Air Show Scheduled

To: "Geoff Cheverton" <>, "Neil Glasby" <>, "Chris Jenkins" <>, "Angie" <>, "Triumph List" <>, "2000 List" <>
Subject: Humour Fw: First Annual Kabul, Afghanistan Air Show Scheduled
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 23:22:56 +0100
| ----- Original Message ----- 
| From: "Disquisition" 
| Subject: First Annual Kabul, Afghanistan Air Show Scheduled
| > First Annual Kabul, Afghanistan Air Show Scheduled 
| > 
| > Citizens of Afghanistan are reportedly looking forward with great
| > anticipation to reports of an international air show to be held in the
| > skies over their nation. 
| > 
| > An unnamed official informed us that "Now the rest of the world will
| > look upon our beloved city with great honor just as they do
| > Farnborough,
| > England and Paris, France", referring to the sites of two other famous
| > international air shows. 
| > 
| > The exact date and time of the upcoming Kabul International Air Show
| > has
| > not yet been announced. It is believed that event organizers feel that
| > such an announcement would detract from the fun of the celebration by,
| > "spoiling the surprise". 
| > 
| > Unlike most air shows the Kabul Air Show will feature almost no static
| > ground displays but will have an unusually high number of aerial
| > demonstrations and fly-bys. "We are most pleased by this feature of
| > our
| > air show. Instead of a lot of different kinds of airplanes just
| > sitting
| > around on the tarmac, the aircraft attending our show will actually be
| > up in the air demonstrating what they do best!" we were told. 
| > 
| > Participation will probably be heaviest by aircraft of the United
| > States
| > Air Force and Marine Corps. Including appearances by F-15's, F-16's,
| > A-10's, B-52's and Apache helicopters. It is rumored that opening
| > ceremonies will feature a tomahawk-cruise fireworks display. A few
| > B-2's, and F-117A's may also help out in some unseen capacity. 
| > 
| > Several other counties have expressed an interest in sending
| > representatives. These include all nineteen nations in the NATO
| > alliance
| > as well as Australia. The excitement generated for this gala event has
| > even prompted the Israeli Air Force to apply for participation. 
| > 
| > Of course, no one is more excited than the Afghan people themselves.
| > Great numbers of them are in the streets of Kabul looking constantly
| > heavenward in gratitude for the historic event, which will soon take
| > place in their skies. It has been observed that some are so concerned
| > about missing the show that even as they bow to the East they keep
| > snatching worried glances towards the West. Thousands, in fact, have
| > been seen leaving the city and fleeing to the mountains carrying food
| > and blankets - obviously anxious to get a good vantage point for the
| > air
| > show, and to make a picnic of it. 
| > 
| > ---------------
| > 
| > disquisition \dis-kwuh-ZISH-uhn\, noun:
| >    A formal discourse on a subject.
| > 
| > The  treatises and pamphlets of the late eighteenth century
| > about the reform of commerce were considered, very soon, to
| > be disquisitions of only limited and technical interest.
| > --Emma Rothschild

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