Scott, the VTR has produced a Glove box companion, a few years back, and
someone took names a fora new versin, but I have not seen it in production.
Andy or others in VTR could maybe give us a word on that? I will check on
the status in the Board Meeting in Colorado if no answer prior to that
time( not much help now, I guess).
Mark Joslyn, 1406 Winding Lane Champaign, Illinois 61820........
VTR Midwest Chapter Coordinator / Central Illinois TRiumph Owners
49 2000 roadster, 59 TR3a, 62,63,64 TR SPORTS 6, 62,63 TR4, 63 TR FOR-D (302
73 TR6, 74 TVR, 80 MGB-LE(yuck! how did that happen!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Tilton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 10:32 PM
Subject: Triumph contacts across the US?
> So has anyone put together any sort of contact list for Triumph friendly
> and businesses that will be along the travel path to Colorado?
> Since I'm visiting a friend in Okalahoma along the way, my route has me
> straying off course at St. Louis and continuing to head South West towards
> Oklahoma City.
> I figured I'd check out the different VTR chapter webpages and jot down
> people's names and phone numbers that might be along the way.
> Then I figured, someone else might have already compiled a list of "who to
> when your Triumph breaks down in X-ville, X-burg or X-opolis."
> Scott Tilton
> Watching the rain fall in Leesburg VA
> (wonder how TRF summer party is going?)
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