The float probably has fuel in it. Popular problem, float sinks, bangs
around. The floats at NAPA fit, but they won't sell it loose. I saw a
thread about how to fix, but boiling a gasoline impregnated float to me is
on the same level as gas tank welding. I don't know if the parts houses
sell just a float. I bought the NAPA sending unit, fits, but gauge is off.
Sloshing the car around tells me when to fill, along with resetting the trip
each fill up....don't do it.
If not this you remember that that 9/16ths wrench you were looking
for, it fell in the tank and is slowly making its way out, one clunk at a
time :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Westerdale, Bob []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 8:48 AM
To: 'Bill Pugh'; ''
Subject: Thoughts on: Clink, Clank, Tank.
My car does the same thing. Seems to get worse as the tanks gets closer to
empty. I just figured it was essentially a low fuel warning device, and as
it is non-electrical, not subject to the usual Lucas reliability issues.
Actually, I can identify the tank's contents more accurately because of the
float banging than the actual gauge reading, which I believe to be more of
an accelerometer/compass/primitive GPS device. It can be a bit tricky to
decipher the gauge reading, as its wagging about indicates the vector sum of
throttle position, direction of travel, and your global position. If the
gauge stops moving, chances are, so will the car. "It's not a Flaw, it's a
Bob Westerdale
59 3A TS36967
From: Bill Pugh []
Subject: Clink, Clank, Tank.
Hi Listers,
I guess it is about time to address the "clink,clank" coming
from my gas tank (mostly when starting or stopping), everything else
is in great working order. I am assuming it has something to do with
the fuel gauge sender unit as my fuel gauge is weird also. I really
don't want to get into anything drastic before Breckenridge, as
things are now I can live with it (I just keep the trip odometer
carefully reset on fillups) but if there is a simple fix I would love
to hear about it.
Thanks in advance
Bill Pugh
1957 TR-3
aka Casper
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