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Re: Aluminum heat shield

To: "Don Spence" <>
Subject: Re: Aluminum heat shield
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 09:19:55 -0700
Cc: <>
References: <> <a05100301b78cfe55d12e@[]>
Another alternative is the "space age" felt backed aluminum.  It's available
from our good friends at JCWhiney. Check out
There is also a similar product avaialble at Pep Boys.  I looked at the
bubble sandwich at Home Depot.  I opted for the felt, because I felt (sorry,
pun unavoidable) that the bubbles would be more of a bouncy feel under foot
and I had this vision of my wife in spike heels trying to see how many
bubbles she could pop. I have no real justification for those felts, I mean

There was a thread a little while back on installation.  Basically, cut to
size (I left a little overlap), and use spray glue.  General consensus was
glue the backing to the carpet, not the floor, for easy removal.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Pugh" <>
To: "Don Spence" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: Aluminum heat shield

> >Hi all
> >A while back there was some discussion re heat suppression liners that
> >installed under the carpet. Can someone advise as  to the name of this
> >product and where it can be obtained and also the "correct installation
> >procedure.
> Just finished having this done to Casper, don't know the "name" of
> the product, but we got it at Orchard Supply, it is aluminum foil on
> both sides of a what appears to be bubble wrap, making a "sandwich".
> About a 1/4" thick, we put it on clean painted metal and used 3M
> adhesive to hold it down, used aluminum tape (about the width of duct
> tape) for the seams, then put the carpet back over it with a small
> amount of the 3M adhesive.  We covered from the firewall to the rear
> of the seats (stopped there because of seat belt mount interference).
> Have not tried it yet, the engine is still out, but my guy says it
> will dramatically reduce noise and heat...sure hope he is right.
> Not sure if the this is the "correct" procedure or not, but it seems
> to have worked.
> Good luck
> --
> Bill Pugh
> 1957 TR-3
> aka Casper
> TS16765L

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