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ZS carb question

Subject: ZS carb question
From: "Rick Barnard" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 21:59:36 -0400
Hi Folks,
        I attempted to adjust the mixture on my ZS 175 CD's tonight.  I 
was following the Leyland book, that is, lift the pistons 1/4" and the 
idle dropped and the engine almost died.  So that means they are too 
lean.  Took my handy Zenith adjustment tool and tried to adjust 
clockwise, BUT both carbs are already at the max adjustment.  These 
carbs are only 3 years (6K miles) after a "professional" rebuild.
        I wonder if I have the incorrect needles?  The car has a rough 
idle, but seems to run good at speed, and the plug color is normal.
        Any advice appreciated!
        Rick Barnard
        '73 TR6 restored - CF2570U
        '71 TR6 donor car - CC63322L

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