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RE: TR4A Mystery!

To: "Don Spence" <>, <>
Subject: RE: TR4A Mystery!
From: "Brian Sanborn" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 19:28:19 -0400
>>>I need help in
reassembling the cowl vent spring assembly.


I wish I had a digital camera.  I just went down to the garage
and try a verbal description.

The vent cowl lid is attached with the piano hinge style hinges
using the rod... assume you are there already.  The vent cowl lid
has a metal square tab point down on each side.  The pass side
has two holes toward the bottom... one on the leading edge and
the other on the trailing edge.  The driver side tab only has the
leading edge hole.  There are also two fittings on the backside
of the firewall/scuttle.  You can see them if you bend over and
look inside the cowl cavity.

So now we are left with the springs which bend into a V shape and
have a short bend on each end to fit into the tab holes and the
scuttle fittings.  I far has I can tell...  reversing what it
would take to get them out...  you would compress the springs in
a V-shape and with the coil facing to the dashboard...  the top
hook goes in the leading edge hole in the vent cowl lid tab...
one spring on each side.

The trailing edge hole in the pass side tab is for the wire from
the opening lever under the dash just to the left of the plinth.

Hope this helps a bit.  A picture IS worth a couple of hundred

Brian Sanborn
'62 TR4  CT16260L-O - Groton, MA

My TR4 Restoration Web Site

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