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RE: & Carpets

To: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Subject: RE: & Carpets
From: "Brian Sanborn" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 18:40:44 -0400
Cc: "Triumph List" <>

I did my carpet twice... the first time in Winter '99 with a real
cheap "JC Whitney" class set because what came out of my was only
fit for the dump.  That cheap set unexpectantly came with
underlayment glued to the carpet.  I lined the floors and sides
with the double side foiled bubble wrap insulation to cut down on
noise and TR hot foot.  It work by the way.  I used double-sided
carpet tape to hold the foil insulation in place.  The carpet
with the underlayment went on top and I used Velcro on the edges
of the footwell section (both sides) where it meets the carpet
under the seat. I found that this wanted to move whenever I got
in and out of the car and would "creep" while driving.

The second time was just this spring... 2 years later.  The cheap
set looked great at first but soon started to fade from charcoal
gray to gray with some orange mixed in... where ever there was
the most direct sunlight like the propshaft tunnel and gearshift
cover.  I decided to get the TRF new "original TR4" gray rayon
loop Magic Carpet sets.  I had a TRF underlayment set unused from
Winter'99 and decided to use it.  This time I bonded the
underlayment to the foil insulation with 3M spray adhesive and
secured it with the double-sided carpet tape.  I used Velcro
again on the footwell rear edges... this time on the

This best method was the first... with the underlayment attached
to the carpet and the foil carpet taped to the floor.  With the
second method... I am not sure that the Velcro is going to hold
onto the underlayment.  I may have to bond a thin vinyl pad onto
the underlayment to give the Velcro a better surface to glue to.

In either case the insulation and underlayment was used
"full-size" under the rugs.

Brian Sanborn
'62 TR4  CT16260L-O - Groton, MA

My TR4 Restoration Web Site

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