The answer below is the reason I quit the local British car club, of which I
was a member of for four years. I had no interest in driving slowly to a
location and eating cheese and wine tasting with a bunch of people who were
wayyyy too proud of their car.(most often too proud to drive them to a car
show-can anyone say trailer babies). Now I am not knocking those people that
enjoy such events, I just don't enjoy them myself.
I am a 26 yr old tr6 driver who has owned his 73 tr6 for 12 yrs. I love to
keep it looking good and prefer period accessories and accuracy, but I
really get a thrill out of getting the most out of my car---- Driving the
tires off it. Thrashing it in Anger!!! Hence my participation in SCCA club
events like autocrosses and other such events. If I wanted to work really
hard on something only to stand around and look at it, I would have been a
sculpter or a painter. My hobby is british cars-driving the tires off them
that is!
More than ever today, youth are interested in excitement. Activities such as
mountain biking and other extreme sports far outweigh activities like the
arts (a genuine shame).
Keep em on the road!
Proud Gen Xer with an LBC.
>From: "john matthews" <>
>Reply-To: "john matthews" <>
>Subject: Young people and car clubs
>Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 21:54:55 -0700
>Hi All,
>Might I humbly suggest that the best way to get younger owners interested
>our clubs and hobby is to promote more "driving" events.
>I belong to the oldest Triumph marquee club in the US and attend meetings
>fairly often. I would have loved to have been in this club 30 years ago
>autocrosses and rallys' were a regular feature. Perhaps local marquee clubs
>could partner with SCCA or NASA to put on more performance driving events.
>When these events are easy to attend and open to everyone we all win. Young
>drivers get a chance to learn respect for their cars and the laws of
>in a controlled environment. Older drivers can share their experience, and
>the community benefits from all drivers improving their skills. There's a
>reason why they're called "Sports Cars", let's not forget that.
>John Matthews
>'61 Herald
>'63 TR 4
>'65 right foot
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