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RE: autox?

Subject: RE: autox?
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 15:03:02 -0700
Try this

Unfortunately, they quit archiving for some reason last year, so you can
only get posts before about last September from them.

Team.Net's web page is at a new address but AFAIK there is no way to search the archives from
there.  MJB has promised one "Real Soon Now", but don't hold yer breath.

In the meantime, there is only a very cumbersome method of having Majordomo
do a search for you, and all it will tell you is which digests contain your
search string, so you can ask for the archived digest that you want.  I
believe if you send an email message to with "help"
(no quotes) on the first line, it will send you back a message about how to
do this.


richard triplett wrote :
> I figured I would try for a couple days, then ask the
> list if I still couldn't connect. Anyone else having
> problems connecting to Is this the
> only URL that will allow up to search the archives of
> past triumph discussion?

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