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Re: Anti seize on lug posts

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Anti seize on lug posts
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 20:03:54 +0100
Before WW3 breaks out on this issue <g> isn't this a case for personal
preference? Tyre shops in the UK are notorious for tightening wheel
nuts (lug nuts?) with air wrenches to a level that defies human
intervention to loosen them. A gentle smear of copper lube anti-seize
on the stud thread can make all the difference without any risk of te
nut loosening in use. Long ago as an apprentice, I was seen by my
foreman to be assembling an engine without putting oil on threads -
and I paid the penalty. There's nothing more humiliating than crawling
on all fours round a large work area pushing a table tennis ball with
your nose while things (anythings) are thrown at you by your peers in
the process. From that time onwards, I've always ensured threads are
not completely dry but I'm not saying this is the method to be used.
Suppose I can still feel the pain of a 11/16inch wrench hitting my
head and the jeers and catcalls as I crawled


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