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RE: Jumpy Tachometer

Subject: RE: Jumpy Tachometer
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 08:52:27 -0700
It's possible it's caused by a bad/sticky cable, but IMO more likely it's
caused by wear in the bushing inside the tach, that holds the rotating part.
Any wear at this point will let the magnet shaft wobble, and the reading
varies depending on where the wobble is at.  Disassembling the head and
lubing the bushing may help, a little.

Randall wrote :
> The tack in my Spit MK IV wanders rather than sitting at a nice
> firm point.  It isn't
> noticable when accelerating but only at idle or when holding at a
> given RPM.  Any
> diagnoses?

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