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Yet another brake question

To: "Vintage" <>, "Triumphs List" <>, "6-Pack List" <>
Subject: Yet another brake question
From: "Hugh Barber" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 11:13:34 -0700
I have yet another question.  This one is about Girling brake fittings on my
TR6.  As I understand things, AN-3 fittings are 37 degree flared . SAE and
Japanese metric are 45 degrees INF flared.  European ISO metric are 42
degrees flared.  I have read several times that the Girling "bubble flare
fittings can be mated directly with AN-3 fittings.  This would seem to imply
that Girling bubble flares are 37 degrees and that a flaring tool for ISO
flares cannot be used to replicate Girling bubble flares.  Does anyone know
the answer to this riddle?  I'm converting my TR6 to the Toyota 4-Runner
4-pot calipers and I am wondering what is the best way to plump them into
the system.

Happy Father's Day,

Hugh Barber
Hollister, CA
'73 TR6

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